Best Shoe Design for Knee Pain
Women and men alike experience knee pain, but women have twice as many knee replacements as men. However, it took the original research of Harvard Medical School graduate Dr. Casey Kerrigan to suggest a link between footwear and knee arthritis. The conclusion – high-heeled shoes abnormally increase knee joint torques by 23% and the typical running shoe increases these same knee joint torques by a whopping 38% during running compared to barefoot. Being perfectly flat in all directions, OESH Shoes work as a synchronized spring, following a design based on Dr. Kerrigan’s research discoveries. OESH gently load and unload forces when joint torques detrimental to the knee are at their peak, effectively minimizing knee pain.
Recommended Shoes for Knee Pain
OESH Shoes have Features that Effectively Minimize Joint Torques and Loading Through the Knee
Typical Shoe Design

OESH Design

Dr. Kerrigan’s 1998 study showing the negative effects of heel elevation, publicized worldwide and featured on ABC’s 20/20, has remained unchallenged as the standard for understanding the profound link of footwear to long-term health and wellness.
Imagine, if you have knee pain, wearing shoes that are uniquely designed to minimize loads on your knee joint. Dr. Kerrigan’s published research on human movement and the effects on the body of high-heels and other common features in women’s shoes became the scientific foundation of a better shoe design, now found exclusively in OESH footwear.