We are jussssssst about ready to get our heads above the water line in fulfilling your Holiday Orders for the brand new La Vida v2.0. Demand exceeded our expectations. By a lot. Possibly due to how cool they look (here are the Fiji’s):
Then again, it’s even more likely that you know how well they are going to perform based on our Classics, Lizards, Sandals, and the first version of the light and potent La Vidas…But these v2.0 La Vidas are, simply…the best shoes we’ve ever made. Which is saying a lot, considering how much love we get back from you. And for all the right reasons we’re going to keep making more of this style and in all these great colors as we now get ready for a
Great Christmas and Holiday Season. But gosh, we can’t wait to get to 2014, too!
Indeed, Viva La Vida…v2.0!