Once in a while, a weather image nails the center of the bullseye. Going for a run this summer Virginia morning, with the temperature already pushing above 80, and pulling the newspaper out of the mailbox when I finished, on page A2 I saw this:
This beautiful photograph (thank-you Bill Shrapnel/Colmar Estate and AP) from Orange, New South Wales, in (where else?) Australia, lit me up today.
To the point that we said, let’s do something neat for our friends around the globe. So we are.
A really underrated strength of OESH has always been our international business. OESHers who live outside of the USA wait the longest and put up with the most hassle (Customs…holy cow, what a cabal…) to receive their footwear–and do so almost entirely without complaint. Thus, given the many international OESHers we serve, we thought it would be a nice gesture to offer FREE SHIPPING during the rest of July to those of you outside the USA.
When you order and the international shipping rates are applied, we’ll be refunding those charges prior to shipment through Friday July 31, just to let you know how much we appreciate you wearing your La Vidas and our other spectacular OESH Footwear.
And all because our favorite marsupial took a stroll in the snow. It looks like she’s waiting for the delivery truck with her new Rococcos (I’m guessing she was that order for a pair of size 7s and a pair of size 70s we got last week)…and I’ll be sure to refund that freight charge asap.