You OESHers love our soft Suede Sandals! This morning we officially sold the last pair of size 10 OESH Licorice Sandals. Many Thanks to all of you who helped make this happen!
As we are careful to note when one of our sizes sells out, the OESH philosophy is to create only Limited Edition quantities of our various patterns and colors. I thought of this while grocery shopping today–the produce selections at the end of summer were just spectacular. But I know those colors and choices are fleeting, so I bought about a thousand nectarines today, which our daughters are going to be eating for the next week…nectarine smoothies, nectarine pancakes, peanut butter and nectarine sandwiches, etc.
While available, we always want to encourage you to stock up on OESH sizes and editions that are truly your favorites, too…and Thanks again for enjoying those Sandals!