Make way for sandals

We’re getting really close on that sandal design. In time for the warm weather, I promise. To all you OESHers in Australia – I’m sorry we couldn’t get this done six months sooner.

We’re making not just the carbon fiber sole, but also the entire upper part of the sandal here in our factory. Which means we could use a little more shelving and work space.

Meanwhile, the group of UVa Engineering students that I’ve been working with this year, have broadened their year’s goal of making and designing things that increase production of the OESH cantilevers, to making and designing things that simply “streamline OESH manufacturing.” They are all seniors and their work at OESH will become their senior thesis. One of the things they have wanted to do is build more shelving and workspace. And yesterday, they did just that.

What exactly does building shelves have to do with getting a degree in Engineering? Well, if you saw them yesterday, you’d say, “Everything.” In the course of the day, they ran into all sorts of engineering problems that they (and I) never anticipated. And they solved them, creatively, and I think, had a lot of fun.

I was just most thankful there were no Laurel and Hardy injuries.

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