Out with the old nursing shoes

In preparing a lecture that I will give at the end of the month, I came across an old picture that I’ve used in lectures past, to talk about women’s “professional dress” shoes. As I recall, this picture came from the Harvard Medical School Alumni magazine, recognizing the first group of nurses to become part of the longitudinal Harvard Nurses Health Study, which began in 1976.

This picture looks like it should be a lot older but then again, I remember growing up, not THAT long ago, that this is how nurses dressed. And I definitely remember having to wear a uniform hat that one summer my friend Annie Stawicki and I worked at McDonald’s.

I used to include this picture in my lectures because I studied shoes much like the ones in this picture in this study here, where I found an increase in knee joint torques relevant to the development and progression of knee osteoarthritis.

I don’t think I’ll include the picture in my upcoming lecture (which will be at NYU to physicians who are preparing to take their board examinations in physical medicine and rehabilitation).

Rather, I think I’ll share this photo of one of my favorite nurses, Sandy Milazzo, and one of my favorite physicians, Mary Evans, wearing OESH.