Environmentally-Friendly Athletic Shoes

DSC_0005OESH La Vida 2.0

  • Science-driven design

  • Locally sourced

  • Environmentally safe production

  • All seams sewn, not glued

  • 100% recyclable sole material

  • Zero heavy metals

  • Zero solvent adhesives

  • Zero VOC’s

We’ve been getting a lot of attention for OESH La Vida being good for the environment. Which is pretty neat considering that the only real mention of La Vida’s environmental benefits is via a post I wrote about a year ago.

How we got here is pretty logical. As a physician-turned-shoe manufacturer I’ve had a rather unique perspective on the athletic shoe industry. People trust me when I say that the industry is unhealthy… from the polluting factories in China (which I’ve visited one too many times) to the toxic chemicals to an end product that is unhealthy on many fronts, not just biomechanically. Folks have expected that we do something about it, and we did.

We’ve been getting a ton of requests to shout out the unique sustainable attributes of OESH. So coming soon to our website will be a page that includes the following:

You eat locally grown, organic food. You don’t use toxic cleaners and use zero VOC paint. You don’t use pesticides or herbicides in your yard and try to grow at least some of your own food.

But what about your shoes?

At OESH we’ve taken the road less travelled by to offer a superior athletic shoe while simultaneously honoring our Earth like no other shoe company. Our soles are made locally and sustainably using zero waste and emissions free manufacturing. That means zero solvents with zero VOCs emitted not just during manufacturing but throughout the life of your shoes – which is important not only for wearing them but also when it comes to just keeping them inside your house.

With all of our materials locally sourced and regulated, we take the extra step to ensure that no toxic compounds or metals commonly used in various shoe sole materials ever make their way into your shoe soles…or garden. We are unaware of any other shoe company that can assure you of this.

OESH is committed to your long-term health, and we work hard at each step of the way – from design to manufacture – to create a shoe that is sustainable in every sense of the word. Yes, we are a very different shoe company. But OESH is THE shoe company that fully appreciates your commitment to a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

Sound like a plan? Onward!

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