• The Ultimate Gait Analysis

    The below GIF isn’t your typical animation, although if it were, it certainly would be a pretty neat one. Instead these are images from a data-driven 3-D robotic model of someone running. The data that are fed into this robotic model come from 3-D motion measurements of joint and limb segment motions that are taken […]

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  • Metal Scrap Ready for Recycling

    I can’t put it off any longer. As much as I’ve been admiring the scrap from our last OESH La Vida v2.0 sole forms (notice the beautiful outlines of some of the various size soles), it’s taking up premium space in the corridor next to the CNC waterjet saw. So after cutting off all the bigger […]

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  • 30 Years Ago Today

    30 years ago today, Bob and I were married in a gazebo on the Upper West Side of Central Park in New York City. There were 13 of us there, including the minister and his wife and me and Bob. It was the first wedding I ever went to. Right out of college, we had less […]

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  • DIY Utility Shelves

    Inspired perhaps by our recent awesome OESH infographic, the Washington Post just put together a little infographic of their own on the health hazards of sitting, interviewing a former member of my research team at the University of Virginia, Jay Dicharry, who is now director of the REP Biomechanics Lab in Bend, Oregon. Jay made […]

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  • Mechanics Stethoscope: A Girl’s Best Friend

    Ever since medical school, I’ve appreciated the value of a stethoscope. But it wasn’t until recently that I discovered what a “mechanics stethoscope” is. The machines we have here in the factory are big and can be fairly intimidating when we hear a new funny noise coming out of one of them. Most of the […]

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  • Tips for getting to the gym

    My friends over at The Natural Running Center re-posted my blog on tips for treadmill training and along with it, Bill Katovsky posted this nice piece… Headed to the Gym? You Might Save Money, Not with a Membership but Paying Per Visit Bill includes good scientific data (what we OESHers love!) to support paying per […]

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  • treadmill training tips My Scientific / Personal Advice for Treadmill Training

      Every year one of my New Year’s resolutions involves running. But I really don’t like running outside in January when it’s cold. So, instead, I run on a treadmill as does our entire family. (That’s our middle child, Kellyn above). I’ve been enjoying running on a treadmill over the winters for more than a […]

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  • Life in shoe manufacturing – around Christmas

    These last few weeks we’ve had the milling machine, milling, the waterjet saw, waterjet sawing, and the injection molding machine, injection molding — non-stop. Well almost non-stop. There was a moment when the injection molding machine stopped injecting and we had to break it down to see why. It turns out that a steel nut […]

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  • Chiller, Thriller, Girl I Can Chill You More…

    Any time I have to tinker with one of these cool guys in the factory I can’t help but sing a few lines from Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Because they’re called Chillers. And hence why I also call them the cool guys. (I know, we factory girls need to get out more). Specifically, what they do […]

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  • ABC 20/20: High heels are bad

    Fifteen years ago, there was no youtube. But there was Barbara Walters, Hugh Downs and the rest of the ABC team who covered my first research paper on the effect of high heels on the knees. A few things to note on this re-released (onto youtube) ABC 20/20 segment: (1) I had just given birth […]

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