• Are you exercising? Talk to your physician!

    My medical specialty (physical medicine and rehabilitation) has always attracted the jocks in medical school who not only appreciate exercise, but LOVE talking to their patients about it. Now more than ever, I see just about every type of physician, not just physiatrists (physicians specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation), actively advocating exercise through organizations such as The American College of Sports […]

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  • #Selfie: OESH edition

    I spent the week accumulating pictures of OESH employees and friends–but, taking a cue from Instagram, I had them photograph themselves.  Yes, the Selfie has made its way into OESH headquarters at last. Feel free to send us some of your own #OESHSelfies…this post could become a serial…

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  • OESHer of the Week: My [Sibling] Kellyn

    In the summer of 2012, Ella Evans, one of OESH's star interns, started the concept of the OESHer of the Week Contest. The Contest idea was wonderful and a real hit while it lasted, but quickly got out of hand as there were always so many OESHers to celebrate that we couldn't possibly choose a winner. Anyhow, I thought I'd bring the contest back, for [...] Continue Reading
  • OESH Makes Social Media & Entertainment Hire

    As summer nears and the demand for the La Vida v2.0 escalates, we are pleased to dedicate corporate resources to widening the enthusiasm for OESH footwear and our unique message of medical-science based healthy footwear for women. As such, we’ve agreed to step into uncharted waters and expand our information reach via social media and […]

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  • Expert Advice for Selecting Running Shoes

    As I mentioned in a previous post here, my friend, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, from the Natural Running Center, just interviewed Drs. Kevin and Heather Vincent, from the University of Florida. Kevin and Heather, who are gait and exercise researchers, wrote together the American College of Sports Medicine’s recently published brochure on Selecting Running Shoes.  If you haven’t already, […]

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  • Happy Mother’s Day

    “Unconditional love,” my mom used to say, “is the most important thing a mother can give to her child.” That she gave and more and taught me to give the same to my own daughters. She was successful in making me strong and independent and to never feel like I couldn’t do something just because I […]

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  • La Vida v2.0 Takes Root In Media

    Our recently released OESHer Email #19 was extraordinary. The depth of our Media reach in February and March was the subject matter. These linked pages (below) have spawned a great deal of interest within and beyond our community of OESHers, so for those of you who may have only glanced at the Email when it […]

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  • Another News Article on High Heeled Shoes

    My friend, Bill Katovsky, from the Natural Running Center, just forwarded me a link to this New York Times article about women undergoing surgery to make it easier to wear high heels and the doctors who do the surgeries. The article, like many news articles on women’s high-heeled shoes, makes me kind of want to vomit and I’m hoping that Bill doesn’t expect […]

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  • Happy Easter!

    Look what the Easter Bunny (a.k.a. “Orville”) brought.  OESH La Vida Deep Wisteria and…The cutest new ducklings and goslings ever to be seen. Have a wonderful, Happy Easter.

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  • The American College of Sports Medicine’s New Guidelines for Selecting Running Shoes

    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), which is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world, just completely overhauled its recommendations for selecting running shoes. which you can read here, are very different than what they’ve previously been for many, many years. The impetus for the change has come from numerous studies, including […]

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