• Made in America: OESH’s New CNC Milling Machine gets corner office

    Our new CNC milling machine arrived and with the help of our good neighbors at Quality Welding, we got it safely off the truck and into its position in its “corner office” here at OESH. Thank you, Quality Welding! Me, a little nervous, watching it come off the truck: Gary, guiding it into position. My […]

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  • Capturing those firsts

    Capturing “firsts” is frequently an art form. For example, this week I failed to capture a picture of our youngest daughter Zoe, on stage at her school play. But I have succeeded in capturing some awesome firsts. This is of our oldest daughter Jayme, in my first gait laboratory back at Harvard, taking some of […]

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  • Out with the old nursing shoes

    In preparing a lecture that I will give at the end of the month, I came across an old picture that I’ve used in lectures past, to talk about women’s “professional dress” shoes. As I recall, this picture came from the Harvard Medical School Alumni magazine, recognizing the first group of nurses to become part […]

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  • Better than a pile of old magazines

    Here’s a picture of one of the walls of the entry into the OESH factory. Surrounding the map are some of my peer-reviewed original research articles. The ones that wouldn’t fit on the wall are in that blue binder behind the chair. They’re regularly pulled down to read while waiting to pick up a new […]

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  • Make way for sandals

    We’re getting really close on that sandal design. In time for the warm weather, I promise. To all you OESHers in Australia – I’m sorry we couldn’t get this done six months sooner. We’re making not just the carbon fiber sole, but also the entire upper part of the sandal here in our factory. Which […]

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  • More Manufacturing in the USA

    The last few weeks I’ve been digging in to how we might be able to make our entire sole right here in the U.S. Currently several parts of the sole are being made in China. The factories that make those parts do a fine job but I keep thinking that we ought to be able to make […]

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  • Architecture, Carbon Fiber, and OESH

    Of late, I’ve been interacting quite a bit with the University of Virginia School of Architecture. Probably has something to do with the fact that the renowned professor and former Dean of the School, Karen Van Lengen, is an avid OESHer and very good friend. Karen has gotten the School of Architecture turned on to […]

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  • Women who rock

    We are taking a family vacation in Cleveland, Ohio, birthplace of Bob (huge Cleveland Browns fan) and home to the Sheffler-Megerians of Shaker Heights, who we are visiting. Lynne Sheffler, a physiatrist at Case Western Reserve University (see What is a physiatrist), and I worked together at Harvard a number of years ago. We went […]

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  • May all your Christmas dreams come true

    For Marcia, they certainly did (inside our compost bin). Thank-you so much for a wonderful first year…and we cannot wait to get started on year number two for you next week. Onward!  

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  • Could this be Rudolph?

    When asked at school this week to recall a memorable moment, our middle daughter Kellyn wrote about this one. In hindsight, I think it was more magical than memorable. A couple years ago, as Kellyn and I were running through the woods behind our house, a deer came right up to us and ran alongside. […]

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